Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tesla is finally making a car you can afford – here’s when it will be released

Tesla is finally making a car you can afford – here’s when it will be released
tesla model s silver grey
During Tesla’s earnings conference call on Wednesday, Elon Muskfinally disclosed when Tesla plans to begin production of the highly anticipated Tesla Model 3, and what it will look like. What’s more, Musk at long last gave us a launch window (read: year) that, we can only hope, won’t be subject to change in the months ahead.
According to Musk, Tesla will take wraps off the Model 3 sometime in March of 2016. Given how sleek the Model S and the upcoming Model X are, there’s going to be a lot of pressure to deliver a stunning design with the Model 3 which, it’s worth noting, will be about 20% smaller than the sizeable Model S.
As for a launch window, Musk said that Tesla will be releasing the car in 2017. He did qualify that statement, however, in saying that a launch window in late 2017 is more likely. Now keep in mind, Tesla has a pesky history of delivering its cars a bit late, so hopefully the Model 3 launch won’t be pushed back into early to mid 2018.
For those unfamiliar with the Model 3, the car represents the linchpin in Musk’s grand plan to bring affordable electric cars to the mainstream. Sure, the Tesla Model S is incredible, but cheap is not a word you’d ever use to describe it. Same thing goes for the upcoming Model X, the Tesla crossover vehicle slated for release later this year, albeit in limited quantities.
Lastly, Tesla will be aiming to price the Model 3 at around $35,000.

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